Last updated: November 29th, 2018
Please note that due to the overwhelming response of volunteers who had already committed to attend this event, participation from Masjid AlSalam community is no longer required. We will Inshallah have another event in the very near term where we will call upon those who volunteered for this event.
WHEN: Sunday, Dec 2nd, from 3 – 5 PM
WHERE: Klein Cain High School at 10201 Spring Cypress Road
CONTACT: Dawah Commitee at [email protected] (or Brs. Ahsan Huq at 832-545-6994 or Iqbal Luqman at 281-222-9399)
The Dawah committee at Masjid AlSalam and other local interfaith groups are working with an organization called Generosity Feeds to package and distribute meals to children in the Harris county area that are struggling with hunger. We are requesting people to not only donate to this worthy cause, but also signup to volunteer their time on December 2nd, from 3 to 5 PM to help package these meals.
Please click HERE to signup to volunteer.
Please click HERE to donate towards this cause.