Prep-A-Meal – Service Project for Youth & Non-Youth

Last updated: November 27th, 2019

That person is not a believer whose stomach is filled while his neighbor goes hungry.Prophet of Allah S

Alhumdulillah we are so blessed!

Let us covey our thanks and gratitude to Allah SWT by being of service to those who may not as blessed as us.

Please join us, Thursday, November 28th, from 12pm – 4pm, as we partner up with City Wide Club to Prep Meals!

You must register directly with City Wide Club here:

The plan is to meet at the prep location. If you, however, wishes to carpool, please reach out to Sr Ayisha Warfa[email protected].

JazakumAllaahu Khayran!
Shayr the Khayr!
Office of the Youth Director ([email protected])