WHEN: Saturday, March 26 | 9 pm – 11 pm
WHERE: Masjid al Salam
WHO: Open to everyone
Learn more: bit.ly/community-bonfire-22
With Ramadan only a few days away, we’re collaborating with AlMaghrib Institute‘s Shaykh Ammar Alshukry, our guest speaker for the night. So, join us this evening with your friends and family as we redirect our focus and adjust our priorities to welcome Ramadan with the utmost zeal!
We look forward to seeing you soon, in sha Allah (God willing)!
Shaykh Ammar began his journey in Sudan at an early age, benefited from a variety of Islamic Sciences after his return to New York, and continued his studies in Houston with renowned scholars such as Dr. Salah Al-Sawy and Dr. Waleed Basyouni. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Islamic Sciences, is the author of “What the Pen Wrote”, the Imam and Resident Scholar of River Oaks Islamic Center in Houston, and the Content Director for Faith Essentials and FaithIQ.