Khatam-ul-Quran & Fundraiser

Last updated: April 29th, 2022

WHEN: Friday, April 29th, 2021 – 29th night of Ramadan – after Isha prayers

WHERE: Main prayer hall & Online


  • Our resident scholar: Shaikh Mamdouh Mahmoud
  • Guest speaker: Br. Ayman Kabire


Support Masjid’s Operational Expenses that are used for:

  • Maintaining the house of ALLAH SWT (list of specific expenses provided at the bottom)
  • Providing for our community’s spiritual, educational, counseling, family, and many other needs
  • Providing a safe space to all genders and ages to plan and execute their activities and enable them to utilize the masjid as their sanctuary

Completing the construction of the Multi-purpose Hall expansion (Phase 2 work) which includes:

  • Seniors Lounge on the 1st floor to provide a place for our elders to connect and spend time together
  • Kitchen on the 1st floor is an essential feature for events that occur throughout the year, but especially during Ramadan
  • Storage on the 1st floor to safely store essential items and supplies with easy access from the gym
  • Well equipped and functional Conference Hall on the 2nd floor to hold religious gatherings, vocational classes, study groups, and many events useful to the community
  • Sisters Lounge on the 2nd floor to provide a safe place for sisters to connect, relax, and plan activities



1. Utilities – Water, Electricity, Phone, Internet
2. Dawah activities
3. Salaries
4. Youth activities
5. Guest Speakers and Khateebs
7. Supplies
8. Sanitation
9. Repair and Maintenance
10. Insurance
11. Admin & General Expenses
12. Security
13. Ramadan specific Expenses

Jazak Allah Khairun.