Last updated: August 11th, 2019
Introducing, the Youth Committee’s 1st, Ramadan Hunt Tournament!
A series of various (daring, exciting, engaging, hilarious) tasks to be completed within Ramadan.
Are You Game?
Glimpse: For 150 points, swim (butterfly) 😰 for 5 minutes during Ramadan or for 200 points, make iftar 😇 for your family ( make, not buy! ).
Of course, to keep us motivated and energized throughout Ramadan, I mean for the competition 😉 there must be a prize involved.
The winners will be announced at the Eid Salah insha’Allaah and awarded the following prizes.
3rd Place: $ 100
2nd Place: $ 150
1st Place: $ 200 plus bragging rights
The official rules and the rubric will be released on Wednesday, May 1st, 2019 as well as at the Welcome Ramadan (click here) event.
The tournament is open to all the youth in 5th grade and above!
The deadline to enter is Thursday, May 9th @ 10:01 PM.
Please note, submission at or after Thursday, May 9th @ 10:02 PM will be added to 2020 Ramadan Hunt Tournament instead of 2019’s 😄!
|– For 100 Points, Register Before Wednesday, May 1st, 2019. To Register Click Here –|
JazakumAllaahu Khayran!
Office of the Youth Director ([email protected])