Last updated: October 22nd, 2021
Assalamu Alaykum.
Following guidelines are in effect at all ISGH masajid effective October 22nd, 2021 by ISGH’s Shura:
- Wearing of masks will continue to be mandatory inside all ISGH centers. The mask should cover both the nose and mouth at all times while inside the Masjid premises.
- For Vaccinated Community members: All restrictions inside the Centers related to distancing and prayer rugs will now be relaxed. Community members who are vaccinated can start praying next to each other and do not require prayer rugs.
- There will be a space designated for community members who are not vaccinated. (space may vary based on each center).
- Any community member who is not comfortable praying next to another can pray at a distance in these designated areas.
Please review the complete ISGH statement below.
Assalamu Alaykum.
Following guidelines are in effect at all ISGH masajid effective August 2021 by ISGH’s Shura:
- Masks are required to enter any Islamic center for prayers, halaqas, Sunday schools, or any other event. This use of masks continues to be a mandatory guideline rule for adults and children 2 years and older. All local administrators are required to enforce this policy to make sure it is strictly followed.
- Social distancing during Jumuah prayers is still mandated to be 3 feet (one prayer space) without the need to skip a row. This applies to all community members who attend any of the ISGH centers.
- It is up to each Islamic center whether to make prayer rugs mandatory and in the case of daily regular prayers (not including Jumuah), whether to allow vaccinated individuals to pray rug to rug or continue to pray 3 feet apart.
- Restrictions on children no longer apply. However, they need to wear masks at all times and be next to their parents during prayers.
Please review the complete ISGH statement below.
UPDATE MAY 21 2021
Assalamu Alaykum.
Following guidelines are in effect at all ISGH masajid effective May 21st by ISGH’s Shura:
- Social distancing has been reduced from 6ft to 3ft (one prayer space) without the need to skip a row.
- Masking and prayer rug requirements remain in effect during prayers.
- For Daily prayers, not including Jummah, vaccinated individuals can pray rug to rug. Non-vaccinated people must continue to pray 3 feet apart.
- The 3-feet distance rule remains in effect for everyone for the Jummah prayers.
- Restrooms and wudu rooms will now be open to the public.
- Restrictions on children no longer apply. Children of all ages are welcome to attend prayers and events at the masjid. We encourage parents to keep children close to them while they are at the masjid.
- There is no restrictions on outdoor activities, but those not vaccinated are recommended to keep their mask on.
Please review the complete ISGH statement below.
UPDATE NOV 25 2020
Assalamu Alaykum. On November 24th, the ISGH Shura and other elected officials met with the ISGH Public Health Taskforce to hear what their recommendations are in the face of the increasing cases of Covid-19. After receiving all the information from the ISGH Public Health Taskforce, the Shura conducted a meeting. It has been observed that some community members and administrations are getting complacent and starting to relax on the rules. The ISGH Shura wants to remind the community and the administration of the masajid of the following points::
The guidelines below are for everyone’s safety and MUST be followed if coming to the Masjid, COMPLIANCE IS NOT OPTIONAL.
- The Jumuah khutbah must be no longer than 15 minutes. Shura members have observed the Khutba taking 20-25 minutes and we want to reiterate that the maximum time should only be 15 minutes.
- There must be a minimum of six feet distance between each person in the Masjid. This includes not only side to side, but also front to back. This may require some Islamic Centers to skip a row to achieve the six foot distance all around each person. Please ensure that the six feet distancing is being applied at your Masjid.
- Remind individuals to not pray Sunnah after the Salah and to leave as soon as the prayer is over.
- Remind individuals to not shake hands with other people and to maintain social distancing even outside the prayer hall.
- Continue to follow all guidelines related to mask and prayer rugs. The mask should cover both the nose and mouth at all times while inside the Masjid premises.
- Make sure the restroom facilities remain closed and the people are asked to make wudu at home.
- No children under ten are allowed in the Masajid.
Please review the complete ISGH statement below.
UPDATE AUG 12 2020
Assalamu Alaykum. ISGH has issued guidelines for a phased re-opening of our masajid effective August 14th. Here is a summary of the guidelines:
The guidelines below are for everyone’s safety and MUST be followed if coming to the Masjid, COMPLIANCE IS NOT OPTIONAL.
- The Masjid property will only be open for obligatory prayers (Fard) including Jummah. Sunnah and Nawafil prayers must be prayed at home
- Each center administration will communicate with their respected communities about the maximum limit of worshipers allowed. The limit is determined by the Masjid’s capacity and application of the 6 ft. social distancing requirement. At no time will the maximum number exceed 10% of the Masjid’s total capacity
- All of the centers are being encouraged to use non-carpeted areas for the prayers during phased opening. If a center does not have an indoor non-carpeted area, additional safety/sanitation requirement will be communicated to the local Masajid administration.
- The wudu and restroom area will remain closed. Congregants will need to make wudu prior to coming to the Masjid
- Six feet social distancing will apply, and the prayer area floor will be marked indicating spaces to stand for prayer
- Everyone MUST bring their own:
- Face Mask that cover both mouth and nose
- Prayer rug
- Anyone that shows up without a mask or a prayer rug will not be allowed to attend
- The Masajid are not responsible for providing masks or prayer rugs
- Due to limited space and health concerns, the following categories of people will NOT be allowed to attend during this phased opening:
- Children under 13
- Anyone feeling sick or having symptoms of illness
- Anyone with any pre-existing conditions that are considered high risk in case of infections
- We recommend elderly community members to continue to pray at home during the phased opening
- No extracurricular activity is allowed on premises at this time
- No classes, religious or other
- No playground access
- No gym access for play
- No social gatherings (Aqiqa, wedding parties, etc.)
Please review the complete ISGH statement below for the rules that must be followed and the reasons for arriving at this decision.
All praise is for Allah. We ask Him to send His blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers. We seek His forgiveness and protection. We ask Him to give us the good that is in COVID-19 and to protect us for the harm in it. Ameen.
ISGH has issued a statement to clarify access to the masajid during the current COVID-19 surge in Houston and surrounding areas.
- At this time the five daily fard prayers will only be performed in the open patios or any other outdoor spaces in the masjid for anyone who wishes to come and offer salah.
- All buildings and indoor facilities are to remain inaccessible.
The complete ISGH statement is shown below.
Assalamu Alaykum,
ISGH shura was expected to issue updated guidelines for its masajid earlier this week, but unfortunately the meeting had to be postponed for a few days. Due to this cancellation, the masjid administration, as a temporary measure, has made arrangements to open the gates of the masjid 10 mins before each salah every day.
We remind and encourage everyone to take necessary safety guidelines shared by the ISGH in its previous directives e.g. properly wear face mask, bring your prayer rug, keep 6ft of social distancing, and to leave immediately after fard prayers.
All praise is for Allah. We ask Him to send His blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers. We seek His forgiveness and protection. We ask Him to give us the good that is in COVID-19 and to protect us for the harm in it. Ameen.
As per the ISGH directive released on June 26th, 2020:
- Masjid AlSalam will be closed to the public for Jummah and the five daily congregational prayers until further notice.
- No visitors will be allowed to enter the Masjid except for employees and necessary staff. Note that the access cards for the gate have been disabled for all but these personnel.
We strongly encourage you to return to Allah in your own homes, to increase your devotion to Him, to seek His Forgiveness for the entire Ummah; to protect mankind from the harm in COVID-19 and to give us the patience, guidance and skill to defeat it.
UPDATE MAY 26 2020
All praise is for Allah. We ask Him to send His blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers. We seek His forgiveness and protection. We ask Him to give us the good that is in COVID-19 and to protect us for the harm in it. Ameen.
ISGH has decided to partially open our Masajid on a trial basis. The full details on the policy are provided on the ISGH Facebook page. Please click HERE to see the ISGH announcement.
Please stay tuned for further updates from us that will outline HOW these ISGH guidelines will be implemented at Masjid AlSalam.
All praise is for Allah. We ask Him to send His blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers. We seek His forgiveness and protection. We ask Him to give us the good that is in COVID-19 and to protect us for the harm in it. Ameen.
As per the ISGH directive released on April 30th, 2020:
- Masjid AlSalam will remain closed to the public for Jummah and the five daily congregational prayers until further notice.
- No visitors will be allowed to enter the Masjid except for employees and necessary staff. Note that the access cards for the gate have been disabled for all but these personnel.
We strongly encourage you to return to Allah in your own homes, to increase your devotion to Him, to seek His Forgiveness for the entire Ummah; to protect mankind from the harm in COVID-19 and to give us the patience, guidance and skill to defeat it.
All praise is for Allah. We ask Him to send His blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers. We seek His forgiveness and protection. We ask Him to give us the good that is in COVID-19 and to protect us for the harm in it. Ameen.
As per the ISGH directive, effective March 20th, 2020:
- Masjid AlSalam will be closed to the public for Jummah and the five daily congregational prayers until further notice.
- No visitors will be allowed to enter the Masjid except for employees and necessary staff. Note that the access cards for the gate have been disabled for all but these personnel.
We strongly encourage you to return to Allah in your own homes, to increase your devotion to Him, to seek His Forgiveness for the entire Ummah; to protect mankind from the harm in COVID-19 and to give us the patience, guidance and skill to defeat it.
All praise is for Allah. We ask Him to send His blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers. We seek His forgiveness and protection. We ask Him to give us the good that is in COVID-19 and to protect us for the harm in it. Ameen.
Per the ISGH directive below, effective tomorrow, March 18th, 2020, Masjid AlSalam will be closed to the public for Jummah and the five daily congregational prayers until further notice.
If you visit the facilities, please practice social distancing and if you see a gathering of 10 or more people, please separate yourself.
As previously mentioned, please avoid coming to the masjid to decrease chances of spreading or contracting the virus if:
- You have recently traveled to international or domestic destinations where the virus is prevalent.
- You have been in recent contact with a person that is suspected to have or has been confirmed with COVID-19.
- You have any symptoms of the illness such as cough, fever, and symptoms of the common cold or flu, etc, and if you are caring for someone with these symptoms.
- You are in a vulnerable population and are 60+ years old, expecting a child, or a child under 12 years of age.
- You have pre-existing chronic illnesses such as asthma, uncontrolled diabetes, COPD, cancer, etc.
- All Jum’uah prayer services are canceled for this week (3/13/20). Daily congregational prayers will continue with certain precautions provided below.
- While it was difficult to arrive at this decision, we feel it is in the best interest of our community and in line with advice from government, healthcare, and some religious authorities. Please pray your regular duhr prayer (4 raka’) at home. We will reevaluate holding prayer services for next Jum’uah and keep the community updated.
- The ISGH Weekend Islamic School will be closed until further notice.
- The Shifa Salam Clinic will be closed until further notice.
- Houston Peace Academy will close until March 29th, following the IEIT instructions along with Klein ISD guidelines for school closure.
- All programs and lectures will be canceled, postponed, or delivered online. If you have registered for a class or an event, please email the organizers to determine if the program will be live streamed.
Daily Congregational Prayers
Daily congregational prayers will continue except for those that are urged to stay home to decrease chances of spreading or contracting the virus . This includes:
- If you are 60 years of age or older
- If you have recently traveled to international or domestic destinations where the virus is prevalent.
- If you have been in recent contact with a person that is suspected to have or has been confirmed with COVID-19.
- If you have any symptoms of the illness such as cough, fever, and symptoms of the common cold or flu, etc, and if you are caring for someone with these symptoms.
- If you are in a vulnerable population and are elderly, expecting a child, or a child under 12 years of age.
- If you have pre-existing chronic illnesses such as asthma, uncontrolled diabetes, COPD, cancer, etc.
All mussalleen who come for the daily prayers are requested to bring their own prayer rugs or paper or plastic barrier to set your head on when in sajadah. This is to avoid coming in direct contact with the carpet.